Wednesday 13 October 2010

New critical investigation Question:


WHY do music videos construct certain narratives around female artists?
To what extent is this being challenged by contemporary female artists?

introduction to my critical investigation:

I have chosen to carry out my critical investigation on music videos and in what why are female artists are portrayed through the media in to days contemporary society.I will be covering the many types of is issue and stereotypical role's women are given in certain music videos and how they differs from historical representation of women as this will allow me to explore the ideas constructed around female artists.

Over the years things have seem to be changing as female artists such as Lady Gaga and Pink seem to be challenging the stereotypical female role, as they seem to be more dominant and in control in their music videos, However women are still being placed in their stereotypical role's and sexually objectified in music videos in order to appeal to Mulveys 'male gaze' as men seem to still own theirs status symbol signifying the status of power and male dominant over women.

Pink and Lady Gaga are a great example of 'Girl power' in to days contemporary music video as gender role are more complex in this day and age and that is reflected through the media. According to theorist David Gaunltlett the raise of 'girl power' in the media is formed though identities constructed by music artists. This is why i have chosen to explore the ideas,issues and debate surrounding female artists in music videos.

(Lady Gaga) & (Pink)

1 comment:

  1. Your research on celebrity is interesting - well done. You have been approaching your critical investigation from a sociological point of view though and I think your new question will help you apply MEDIA theory instead. Please make sure that you are up to date with all work set by 3/11/10.
