Wednesday 13 October 2010

Article 2

Celebrity... Role Model
How Does Celebrity Behaviour Influence Us?
Dec 22, 2009 Libby Wilson

Sporting Role Models - woodleywonderworksCelebrity gossip gains much media coverage. This article examines the effect on the public, and whether celebrities are considered role models.
It is hard to avoid news of celebrity antics, whether or not one is interested. Celebrities are generally thrust into the public eye because of a particular talent but, once they are in the public eye, every aspect of their behaviour is under scrutiny. With so much exposure to celebrities, the public could well be influenced by their behaviour... or misbehaviour!

Why Celebrities are Likely to be Imitated ?
According to Bandura’s social learning theory (1986), humans learn about the world through observing the behaviour of others. By watching the effects of certain behaviours, and examining personal responses, people decide on their own values about behaviour. Logically, people are likely to imitate the behaviour which they associate with success, or successful people. A British study conducted by Dr Charlotte De Backer found that celebrities are seen as being "higher status or more successful others" which means that people are more likely to "mimic [their] overall behavior pattern".

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Why Celebrities Influence Young People?
"There's simply no escaping the mass marketing of today's celebrities", says Common Sense Media's Jim Steyer in Kids & Celebrity. This is especially true for generation Y. According to Rob Frankel, who wrote The Revenge of Brand X (2000), this generation is “way more tuned into media” simply because so much media is available to them. Therefore, young people are most likely to be observing celebrity behaviour, and at a time in their life when they are still forming their values.

In 2004, Alan Bush, Victoria Bush, and Craig Martin published findings from an investigation into the effect which celebrity athletes have on the consumer behaviour of Generation Y. From their literature review, they surmised that athletes can have a particularly strong influence on young people in terms of their desired career or their studies, and how they see themselves. They also found that young people “look up to [celebrity athletes] for what’s “cool” in products and brands”. A study by Dr Mary Thornton and Dr Patricia Bricheno found that, for boys’ role models, “footballers” were a close second to fathers. Celebrities and the Generations Before Generation Y.Most research seems to focus on celebrity influence on young people, but results from Dr De Backer’s study showed that older generations were interested in celebrity gossip because it made it easier to “form social networks” with others.
Should Celebrities be Role Models?
Because of their perceived success, the behavior of celebrities, particularly sporting celebrities, has a significant effect on the public, especially the younger generation. However, these people are examples of success in a specific role, and may not be the best choice for instilling moral values. 'Lord Voldemort, a 15-year-old contributor to the Common Sense Media discussion on 'Role Models gone Bad', describes it as follows: "What has the world come to when parents can't be role models for their own kids? When they instead let random celebrities do it…"
Read more at Suite101: Celebrity... Role Model: How Does Celebrity Behaviour Influence Us?

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