Wednesday 13 October 2010

Celebrity influence on audince

The following articles below are shown to be related to my possible question for my critical investigation: as the articles raise issues about how celebrity influences their audience, what are the impacts on today’s contemporary society.

In a society we as the audience or the consumer are obsesses about entertainment and celebrity culture. We often turn to the latest celebrity magazine or TV for updated about our celebrity ideals. Celebrities can have a powerful impact on a person's life for example from fashion trends to political views. The media glamorises the attractiveness of a celebrity's lifestyle which can influence the audience’s beliefs, opinions, interests and behaviours. This obsession with celebrity culture often starts at an early age as many children and teens are infatuated with young, pop-culture icons such are Miley Cyrus or Zac Efron as they often think of celebrities as role models and someone to look up too. However they are often represented in a negative way rather than positive and this effect what people think about celebrity and how much should we rely and 'trust' the celebrity life style or the 'media'.

There are many debates and issues to consider which can affect and influence the audience such as: Fashion, body image, body language, policies and the environment. Celebrity are often portrayed as a bad influence by the media, however the media control’s and manipulates the celebrity’s as so does the celebrity in order to 'gain fame' and 'popularity'. The way celebrities are represented in the media often reinforces the issues and ideology's surrounding, however we are too hooked onto the celebrity culture rather than reflecting back to our own lives.

They are related to my questionWhy'/'How' do celebrities influence their audience?’, For the critical investigation I need to consider all the issues and problems that are related to my question and investigate the ‘HOW’ and ‘WHY' do celebrities action impact on audiences and the effect on society.

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