Sunday 31 October 2010

Pink: Shes her own man!

So what: Pink (not full length)

The videos above challenges the stereotypical role of a female artist in music videos, as the 'So what' video by Pink signifies power and dominant. However pink's music can often be referred to as 'bad influence' on young teenagers and the target audience, but even so, Pink continues to challenge the stereotypical role of women to society and it shows that she is in control of her own music as it allows her to express her feelings and though, as this video was done when she broke up with her husband, female artist often base their music around their own liefs and experiences, the audience can identity with the issues constructed in their music.

Unlike other female artists Pink is not sexually objectified in her music that often but at the same time her style of music can appeal to the male and female audience, she's can be referred to as a 'Rock Chick' as she takes on a manly and more dominant role in her music videos.

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